Consulting, Executive Coaching and Classroom Support

Are you looking to assure that all your students feel a sense of belonging and achieve at the highest levels? Are you open to deeper learnings – about yourself, how you can transform your school or reach each of your students? Hiring an executive coach to hold a mirror to you and tell you truths others won’t, and to give you the emotional support, empathy, and encouragement! Becki welcomes the opportunity to customize a learning program for the specific goals, needs and realities of your school, district or organization.

Becki consults and coaches in the following areas:

Executive Coaching for administrators

  • Proven leadership strategies for creating a caring community among students, staff, and families.

Coaching for veteran teachers

  • Tools for creating an identity-safe classroom that weave together all the components of identity safety, child-centered teaching, social-emotional learning skills, and cultural competence.

Coaching for new teachers

  • Tools for setting up your classroom for success where students feel a sense of belonging, positive teacher-student and student-students relationships are built, diversity is a resource for learning, and all student thrive and achieve at high levels.

Mentoring the mentors

  • Tools for mentors that equip them to support teachers in creating identity safe classrooms and  a positive classroom environment.


Please contact Becki with any questions you may have regarding a customized consulting program with evidence-based tools and practical strategies for your school or organization.